Mystery…Adventure...Romance...Humor...Intrigue! When Julia’s brother announces that his dude ranch is haunted, she believes that someone is trying to sabotage his place and force him to sell. The mysterious happenings have to do with Superstition Mountain, the lost Dutchman’s goldmine, and the great Thunder God. Is it possible that the legend of the Thunder God is actually true? After a terrible thunderstorm, everyone begins to wonder. John and Julia quickly head to Mesa, Arizona and discover a few mysterious events. Will they find out who is behind these disasters before Uncle Kelly’s dude ranch is ruined?
I have lived in Arizona for a few years, but don't know a lot about the lore of the area.
Desert Intrigue The Adventures of John and Julia Evans by Linda Weaver Clarke mixed adventure, intrigue and the lore of the Superstition Mountains along with humor and some romance into one fun book.
I found myself caring about the characters and the ranch. I didn't want to have to put the story aside to work or sleep. I was trying to solve the mystery of the Thunder God and all of the unusual happenings and every time I thought I had it there was a new twist.
This is the 1st of Linda Weaver Clarke's books I've read, and I look forward to reading more.
I would recommend this book to anyone that likes clean family friendly mystery.
You can purchase Desert Intrigue, The Adventures of John and Julia Evans by Linda Weaver Clarke on,, and
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CLICK HERE.I recieved a free download of this book in exchange for my review. It didn't influence my opinion in any way.